2025/26 scholarship application now available! Applications are due by June 15, 2025
the professional ORGANIZATION of Enlisted Kansas National Guardsmen
Enlisted Association of National Guard of Kansas
Who Are We
Our Purpose
The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Kansas is dedicated to the principles of promoting the status, welfare, and professional development of the men and women serving the Kansas Army and Air National Guard.
Legislative Actions
Charging the hill both in Topeka and Washington D.C. working with our Representatives on legislative items affecting our members. Perusing legislation for increasing the welfare of active Soldiers, Airmen, Retirees, and their families.
EANGKS Auxiliary
Side by side we stand with pride. Let your voice be heard on Capitol Hill. The Auxiliary’s main goal is to support the legislative efforts of EANGUS through contacting legislators, state and national, concerning issues affecting the National Guard. These issues include the improvement and retention of benefits for members of the National Guard.
Enlisted Annual Membership
One year annual membership for Enlisted Soldiers and Airmen. Expires in 12 months.
Associate Annual Membership
One year annual membership for those who are not Enlisted and wish to support our Organization.
Life Enlisted Membership
Life membership for Enlisted Soldiers and Airmen. No expiration.
Life Associate Membership
Life membership for those who are not Enlisted and wish to support our Organization for a lifetime.
Auxiliary Membership
Annual member-ship to the EANGKS Auxiliary. Association members and Associate members are welcome.

Our Office
125 SE Airport RD
Topeka, KS 66619