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Name Unit Rank Expiration
Retired MSG Lifetime
HQ, 997th (-) Bde Spt Bn MSG Lifetime
Ballard, Charles
161st Intelligence Squadron MSG Lifetime
Quaney, William
HQ, 997th (-) Bde Spt Bn MSG Lifetime
Godsey, Glen
Detachment 1, Smoky MSG Auto-Renewing
Garman, Joey
MSG Lifetime
Wolf, Jarrod
MSG Auto-Renewing
Retired MSG Auto-Renewing
Dillon, Joseph
HQ 235th Regiment MSG Auto-Renewing
Splechter, Donald
HSC, 891st EN BN MSG Lifetime
Escott, Christina
HQ 235th Regiment MSG Auto-Renewing
Umbarger, Amy
MSG Lifetime
nicholson, jeff
134th Air Control Squadron MSG Lifetime
HQ and Special Troops, 287th Sustainment Bde MSG Lifetime
Hosier, Roy
HSC, 891st EN BN MSG Auto-Renewing
Buchhorn, TIm
HHC, 2-137th IN Regt MSG Lifetime
Drayer, Jason
_Staff Element, JFHQ-KS MSG Auto-Renewing
Anderes, James
284th Air Support Operations Squadron MSG Auto-Renewing
Roehl, Johnny
_Staff Element, JFHQ-KS MSG Auto-Renewing
Hoffman, Colton
190th Civil Engineering Squadron MSG Auto-Renewing
Vaughn, Tyler
190th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron MSG Auto-Renewing
Bunting, Anthony
190th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron MSG Lifetime
Wilson, Tyler
190th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron MSG Auto-Renewing
Hinton, David
190th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron MSG Auto-Renewing
Kilmartin, Brad
190th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron MSG Auto-Renewing

Showing 25 of 877 members found. Show all.