Membership Directory Search for within All Units Filter By Unit Filter By Group/Battalion Filter By Wing/Brigade All Units ------------------------------ _Army Element, JFHQ-KS _D1 2137th Support Company (F) _D2 2137th Support Company (F) _RTS-M _Staff Element, JFHQ-KS 1-235th Regiment 105th MPAD 1074th Field TDT 1077th GAC 1161st SC (-) (F) 1174th Sr TDT 117th Air Refueling Squadron 117th ASMC 127th Cyber Operations Squadron 134th Air Control Squadron 137th Trans Co (-) 161st Intelligence Squadron 170th Maint Co (-) 177th Information Aggressor Squadron 184th Civil Engineering Squadron 184th Communications Flight 184th Cyber Operations Group (Staff) 184th Force Support Squadron 184th Intelligence Support Squadron 184th Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Group (Staff) 184th IW, Headquarters 184th Logistics Readiness Squadron 184th Medical Group 184th Mission Support Group (Staff) 184th Operations Support Squadron 184th Regional Support Group (Staff) 184th Security Forces Squadron 190th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 190th ARW, Headquarters 190th Civil Engineering Squadron 190th Communications Flight 190th Force Support Squadron 190th Logistics Readiness Squadron 190th Maintenance Group 190th Maintenance Operations Flight 190th Maintenance Squadron 190th Medical Group 190th Mission Support Group 190th Operations Group 190th Operations Support Flight 190th Security Forces Squadron 190th Standardization / Evaluation 1979th Contingency Contract Team 2-235th Regiment 226 Engr Co (-) 242 Engr Co (-) 250th Support Co (-) (F) 284th Air Support Operations Squadron 299th Network Operations Security Squadron 330th Signal Company 35th Division Band 35th MP, AFRC 369th Signal Co. 731st Trk Co (-) 73rd Civil Support Team (WMD) 772nd Engr Co 778th Trans Co (-) 995th Maint Co (-) A Btry (-), 2-130th FA (HIMARS) A Co 35th IN Div A Co, KSARNG REC & RET B Btry (-), 2-130th FA (HIMARS) B Co, KSARNG REC & RET Btry A, 1-161st FA Regt Btry B, 1-161st FA Regt Btry C, 1-161st FA Regt Co A, 1-108th AV, AFRC Co A, 2-137th IN Regt Co B, 1-108th AV, AFRC Co B, 2-137th IN Regt Co C, 2-137th IN Regt Co D, 1-108th AV, AFRC Co D, 2-137th IN Regt Co E, 1-108th AV, AFRC D1 250th Support Co (-) (F) D1 A Btry, 2-130th FA (HIMARS) D1 B Btry, 2-130th FA (HIMARS) D1 HHB, 2-130th FA (HIMARS) D1 HHC, 2-137th IN Regt D1 KSARNG Med Det D1, 137th Trans Co D1, 226 Engr Co D1, 242 Engr Co D1, 731st Trk Co D1, 778th Trans Co D1, 995th Maint Co D1, HHD, JFHQ-KS D1, Training Center, Crisis City D2, 731st Trk Co D2, 778th Trans Co D2, 995th Maint Co D3, 731st Trk Co. Det 1 1161st Spt Co (FWD) Det 1, B Co 35th IN Div Det 1, HQ, 997th Bde Spt Bn Det 2, C Co 2-211th GSAB Det 3, HHC, 2-135th GSAB Det 37 OSA (WMD) Det 4, D Co 2-211th GSAB Det 4, E Co 2-211th GSAB Det 6, D Co, 2-135th GSAB Det 6, E Co, 2-135th GSAB Detachment 1, Smoky G Co, 2-135th GSAB G Co, 2-135th GSAB, (FWD 2) HHB 130th FA Brigade HHB, 1-161st FA Regt HHB, 2-130th FA (HIMARS) HHC, 1-108th AV, AFRC HHC, 169th CSSB HHC, 2-137th IN Regt HHD, 635th Regt Support Group HHD, 69th Troop Command HQ 235th Regiment HQ 35th IN Division HQ and Special Troops, 287th Sustainment Bde HQ, 997th (-) Bde Spt Bn HSC, 891st EN BN KSARNG Med Det (-) KSARNG Mission Training Complex KSARNG REC & RET KSARNG Training Center Retired Support Co (F), 891st Engr Bn Unassigned All Groups/Battalions ------------------------------ 1-108th AV, AFRC 1-161st FA Regt 1161st SC (-) (F) 130th FA Bde 137th Transportation Company 169th CSSB 170th Maint Company 184th Cyber Operation Group 184th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconaissance Group 184th Mission Support Group 184th Regional Support Group 190th Maintenance Group 190th Medical Group 190th Mission Support Group 190th Operations Group 2-130th FA (HIMARS) 2-135th GSAB 2-137th IN Regt 2-211th GSAB 235th Regiment 250th Support Co (-) (F) 731st Truck Co 73rd Civil Spt Tm (WMD) (BN) 778th Transportation Company 891st EN BN 995th Maint Company 997th BSB Battle Cmd Training Spt HQ 35th Inf Division JFHQKS KSARNG Med Det KSARNG REC & RET Special Troops BN All Wings/Brigades ------------------------------ 130th Field Artillery Brigade 184th Intelligence Wing 190th Air Refueling Wing 235th Regiment 287th Sustainment Bde 35th Division 635th RSG 69th Troop Command 73rd Civil Spt Tm (WMD) Battle Cmd Training Spt KSARNG Med Det KSARNG REC & RET Or show all members by unit: Name Unit Rank Expiration HELMER, MATTHEW _RTS-M SFC Auto-Renewing Showing 1 of 1 members found.